Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mayor Adam Tyson: Hard Arse S.O.B.

He may be new, he may be young, but by God - don't even think of pulling the wool over the Mayor's eyes. 

As reported by ABC Local yesterday, a crack squad of undercover minors caught out 70% of tobacco retailers in the Shire selling to under 18s. Adam left no illusions as to the flavour of authority he'd be dishing out over this one; mark his words - the gauntlet is coming off:


"We've basically laid down the gauntlet to the retailers now to say, 'look, you've been caught out. We want you to educate yourselves on why you shouldn't be doing this'."

The Shire will be running free education programs in November. "Council did not want to give the impression it was a revenue raising program."

Just fine the weasels Adam, and give us a discount on our rates notices. I just got mine yesterday, and I'M gonna have to start selling ciggies to kids @ 50 cents on the dollar to pay for the bastard.


  1. haha, that's like telling a classroom bully to think about what they've done. All they do is think about how to do it again without getting caught!

  2. (by which I mean: the stores selling the Tobacco illegally are the bullies)
